Category: Uncategorized

  • Before and After

    Before and After

    Written before the monsters came into power, updated after.

  • Don’t Be a Disk

    Don’t Be a Disk

    It’s hard to feel hot when you’re in semi-constant pain.

  • Stay Illogical

    Stay Illogical

    Wherein I watch Stop Making Sense for the first time whilst over the hill.

  • SAHM Tip #8: You Need Hobbies

    Being a stay-at-home mom doesn’t grant you all the free time in the world but there is a certain amount of flexibility in some of our schedules that does create occasional gaps where we don’t even know what to do with ourselves. And I don’t know about you, but my go-to things to pass the…

  • Wordless Wednesday: Space Baby

  • Office To Outing: J.Crew Pink Wool Skirt

    I’ve been seeing a lot of posh pink looks on the fall runways. As much as I love the whole Jackie O thing, I have never been a fan of pink on myself. If given the opportunity to create a pink outfit for one of my creamier friends, however, I would jump at the chance!…

  • SAHM Tip #7: Take Self-Defense Classes

    For those of us moms who are married or in a long-term relationship, it hasn’t been “all about you” for quite some time but man, is there nothing like having a baby to drive that point home. I really feel like this was the the fire under my ass that got me to register for…

  • Noveralls

    Sorry all. A family-wide stomach bug that took me out of commission for four whole days has completely derailed my blogulousness and outfit-putting-together abilities for that matter. However, in sickness and in health, I always have my eye out for trends and one in particular that is seriously inspiring me…to vomit…is the sudden and inexplicable…

  • SAHM Tip #6: Baby Carriers Are Accessories

    So I used to call this section of the blog FTM (full-time mom) tips when someone asked me what tips I could possibly have for female-to-male transgenders. And while I think some fabulous MTFs might appreciate some of my fashion tips, I got nothing (but love) for the FTMs, sorry. Hence, I am now going…

  • FTM Tip #5: If Nothing Else, Red Lipstick And Sunglasses

    If you’ve ever watched What Not To Wear, you probably remember the “five-minute face” part of the makeover. It’s definitely necessary to have a simple, natural-look makeup regiment for more everyday situations. But really, all a five-minute face does is make you not look like you’re running on four hours sleep and only crawling out…